Keep poking the bear. 3 digital advertising tips for when business wants to hibernate

Thanks to Covid-19 affecting a dramatic fall in customers and face-to-face contact, business is looking like it’s going to be a bear hibernating for winter. But with many businesses locking-down the hatches for different reasons, there are great opportunities too.

Here are my three tips how to help keep the bear awake, beat your competitors and be ‘bounce-back’ ready.

1. Promote your online convenience

With people practising ‘social distancing’, they still have needs. Tell current and prospective customers you provide online and phone orders with home-delivered or in-store pickup convenience. Offer free postage as a ‘sales sweetener’. Video conferencing is perfect for face-to-face business and presentations.

2. Keep investing in advertising if you can

Your competitors will most likely be cutting back on their ad spend. It’s easy to spot a mouse in an empty room but not a cluttered one. Now is the perfect time to be seen and heard by your target market and drive new business leads when online advertising rates can be cheaper.

3. Prepare for the ‘bounce-back’

If business is quiet, it’s the perfect planning time. Review your digital campaign’s results for their ROI and content’s engagement rates. Whatever hasn’t worked, ditch it to invest in what is working or test something new. The bounce-back will happen fast. Get a head start planning your digital campaigns now to be ahead of your competition.

Keep the bear from hibernating this winter. Let’s chat how to do it.


David Lucas, Founder & Creative Director, Fred&Co